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Artist Statement

TRYST pulls from the wisdoms of animism, trauma-informed somatic psychology, experimental theatre, collective music-making, land connection, and authentic movement in an attempt to explore, unify, and exalt the complex and ever-transubstantiating trinity of Self-Community-Nature.

Through our devised and improvised dance, we craft chambers of deep listening and healing from outdoor and public spaces. We invite anyone who cares to participate into this transformative other-space of shared dance, with no interest in limiting this expression to the few, the trained, the young, or the talented. TRYST believes that each individual’s tender reconnection to the ancestral technologies of instinct and sensuality ripples out into greater healing, as we animal humans cannot but feel our sacred relationship to the earth and each other from these deeper embodied places.

Our work is site-responsive, playful, and contemplative.
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